Yesterday you were normal and today you're like the Chinese guy from The Karate Kid.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

An attempt to finish the list...

OK, here goes... the slightly Valentine themed portion of the list:

21. I hear a new song and think, "That would be a good song to play at my wedding."
22. I have the set-list ready for my wedding DJ.
23. I'm not engaged.
24. A good kiss or bad kiss can totally change my opinion of a date.
25. I'm friends with most of my ex-boyfriends except for the Artist Currently Known as Satan.
26. Almost all of my ex-boyfriends married the girl they dated after me.
27. It hurts my feelings when people make fun of Mike the Cat for being chubby. [He's just big boned.]
28. Growing up in an extremely small NC town helped deveop my imagination. There wasn't anything to do other than be creative.
29. I have a green bike, a green iPod, a green laptop and a green purse. Someone asked me the other day if my favorite color is green. My response: "I don't know. Never thought about it."
30. I love snow days. They are like impromptu holidays.
31. My attention span is getting better. I can now pay attention for 3.2 seconds.
32. The star is my favorite shape.
33. I wear a silver star on my necklace every day.
34. I hate washing dishes.
35. My dishwasher is generally filled with bowls and spoons because the majority of my diet consists of oatmeal, cereals and soup.
36. I like bugs: fireflies, butterflies, dragonflies.
37. I watched a documentary about Skinheads last night and felt sick to my stomach. I couldn't sleep after that.
38. I've only read 1.5 Harry Potter books.
39. I want to work with military families but don't want to live in a military town.
40. I'm a working class neighborhood kind of girl. Can't imagine living in a subdivision.

So obviously I can only do this 20 points at a time. And, really, isn't that about all that you can handle too?


Blogger Unknown said...

OH MY GOD! I seriously stopped reading after #6. You stole my curse! Thats me! Thats me! You have no idea, It's a well known fact that any guy who dates me will find his soul mate immediately after ceasing to date me.

11:27 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

i mean 26, obviously

11:28 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

people make fun of my cat too, they think she got smacked in the face with a frying pan. its okay.

11:30 AM

Blogger Laurie Roche said...

The cat ran into a didn't get hit with a frying pan. Great list..I also sometimes think "gee...wouldn't that be a great song for my wedding with ___". now I just have to fill that blank with a name.

12:42 PM

Blogger Teri said...

we need to come up with a name [and preferrably a cure] for the ex-boyfriend marrying phenomenon... it's a truly bizarre thing

if your kitty did get smacked in the face with a frying pan, it was probably by mike the cat who was trying to steal the bacon [he can be rather insistant]

ooo! ooo! i have a date this weekend... with a 24 year old! woo! not marrying material obviously, but might make for a juicy blog post! [i was going to recommend dipping into the younger generation for you guys, but that would mean teenagers... and i don't know about canada, but here, that's a felony]

6:34 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

A splendid suggestion but I am afraid I have beat you to it. I may have affectionately been dubbed cougar after one encounter with a 10-year differential. Yes, it is illegal here too...and I believe our mini-Bush wants to increase the age to 18 instead of 16. That would have brought me much closer to breaking the rules.
Good luck!

11:09 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

i just read this post again and discover a second uncanny similarity. I once arrived at the office wearing a green down jacket, green belt, green hoodie, green nalgene bottle, a green laptop case, even my keys swung from a green key chain. My deskmate asked if green was my favourite answer...I don't know.

11:53 AM


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