Yesterday you were normal and today you're like the Chinese guy from The Karate Kid.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I was granted a reprieve from my internship today so that I can work on a ridiculously long paper about domestic violence theory. As in, why does it happen, not best ways to execute. Sheesh, people. All of this paper writing is having an adverse effect on my blog. I just don't feel like writing complete, much less coherent, sentences in my free time.

So someone sent me an email with 100 of their most interesting and bizarre biographical facts. I'm supposed to send it along too, but I'm not. I'll do it here. I figure if you are silly enough to visit my blog, then you deserve to suffer. :)

I'm not quite sure I know 100 things about myself. Self awareness. Bah. But here goes:

1. I was born in Puerto Rico.
2. I don't know any Spanish at all. Except to say nada.
3. My favorite veggie is spinach.
4. My favorite cereal is Strawberry Yogurt Cheerios.
5. [though I'm currently eating Lucky Charms because they were on sale at the Hill Teeter]
6. My original career intention was to be a radio DJ.
7. I broke my brother's nose by throwing a TV remote at him when I was six years old. He was 15.
8. I haven't worn a bikini since I was five years old when my top became skewed at the community pool and people laughed.
9. I'd like to live in England [not forever, just long enough to flirt with boys with cute accents].
10. I suck at flirting. I have stories. They aren't pretty.
11. I have a scar on my jawline from a car accident. It's only about an inch now but it was much longer.
12. I ran away from home when I was three because my brother hid my security blanket. I came home when it was time for bed.
13. The bedroom I occupied as a toddler was haunted by the ghost of a woman. True story.
14. I'm insanely attracted to alpha males even though the stars say I should be with a sensitive boy.
15. The above point could explain why I'm still single at age 34. Ditto for Point #10.
16. I think I've only been truly in love once. Despite many boyfriends.
17. I only buy organic milk, eggs, strawberries and apples, but I drink an amazing amount of gut-rotting soda.
18. I'm a home body.
19. My best features are my skin and my eyes, I would say.
20. Financial debt makes me feel nauseated.

Hmm. OK, start psychoanalyzing... NOW.


Blogger Teri said...

i'm working on it... self awareness is a process, you know.

10:37 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

hmm...once again you could be me aside from the being born in Puerto Rico part...although I could get away with it.

We love cheerio girls. My roomies and I at one point last summer had 6 varieties: regular, multigrain, strawberries and bananas, just strawberries, honey nut, and apple cinnamon - my personal fav.

11:07 AM

Blogger Teri said...

i used to be a cheerios purest. i only ate original cheerios. people say that it's made out of wood chips, but it's darn tasty with milk.

6:32 PM

Blogger Teri said...

that was supposed to be 'purist', i think

6:33 PM


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