Yesterday you were normal and today you're like the Chinese guy from The Karate Kid.

Monday, January 23, 2006

So Inadequate

I was thinking about a conversation I had with the chubby, balding, desperately-needs-to-whiten-his-teeth guy who had the nerve to ask me out on a pity date. Jake Gyllenhaal can ask me out on a pity date and I will happily go, but CBDNTWHT guy? I'm just not that desperate. Anyway, totally digressed. So in this conversation we were talking about food and I said that I don't eat a lot of meat. He said, "I'm a vegetarian for moral reasons." OK, that's cool. Quite frankly, I don't eat meat because I don't like to witness the cooking of bloody flesh. Turns my stomach. But if someone else cooks it, that's a different story. I'll eat meat in restaurants. I just don't eat out that often. Hence, I rarely eat meat. But don't you think it's pompous to say, "I'm a vegetarian for moral reasons?" Not just "I'm a vegetarian." He said the full version several times. Was I supposed to stand up and applaud his moral superiority?

I think I'm just altogether annoyed with self-righteousness. Here's my public service announcement for the day: Self-righteousness is nothing more than a manifestation of your insecurity. So next time someone is being self-righteous around you, think to yourself, "I wonder what they are feeling inadequate about?"

Last week I worked many more hours than what I was paid for. I have to remember not to do that this week. Plus I went to my first day of class last week. Class is going to be harrrrrrrd this semester. OK, not hard, but much, much work. Much work. April 25 is the last day of class. Just keep reminding me of that.

Project More Fun 2006 has been slightly derailed. I'm hoping to get her back on track during the next week.

And, finally, there is only one more game left in my beloved football season. The Super Bowl is February 5th. As a lifelong Steelers fan, I am thrilled they made it to the big game. And a little nervous. The Seahawks completely manhandled the Panthers yesterday. They are going to be some tough cookies to beat.


Blogger Unknown said...

Peeing in my pants. CBDNTWHT guy might know my friend CHWWHGA guy (creepy, hovering, why won't he go away guy). Here's a toast to not being desperate...yet.

I tried being a vegetarian once (yes for moral reasons) but 6 months later, this really delicious brown sugar glazed ham plunked infront of me one Christmas Eve destroyed my moral stature.

I may have to quote you regarding that self-righteousness thing. It explains so many of the babbling chaps I have met, along with some of my own babbling idiocy. Down with insecurity!

Class sucks. I finished my course work, thank god. But now there is that lingering thesis. Just remember APRIL. Make it to APRIL.

Please get project fun back on track. It makes for excellent writing. Like my spinning rooms and misfit ping pong.

Football. I am so jealous of you Americans and your football. I love watching football! We don't have football (at least in Newfoundland). I know, I know, GASP! EGAD! I used to have this little thing about the Bears...for some reason whenever anyone asked who I was rooting for I always replied the Bears, even if they weren't playing.

11:34 PM

Blogger Teri said...

JILL! Not the Bears. Not the Bears. From now on you are a Steelers fan. You will thank me for it later. :)

8:45 PM


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