Yesterday you were normal and today you're like the Chinese guy from The Karate Kid.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Rainy Days and Mondays

Well, today is both... rainy and Monday, that is. So I'm still in my pj's [never-you-mind that I'm always in my pj's], taking the day to organize and read. I contemplated going to a movie, but pushed the idea to later in the week.

I actually wrote a posting in my head yesterday, but it never made it to type. I always write much better in my head because I'm inspired by the moment. Here's the half-priced [post holiday] version:

I read an article yesterday about 10 ways to be happy in 2006. It was authored by one of the new age guru scary people. I don't have anything against any religion or philoshophy, but I gotta give the new age terminology and syntax a hearty eyeroll. Two of the 10 ways actually stuck in my stubborn little brain. Way to Happiness #1 [and I paraphrase]: Stop judging. Period. People, places, situations, everything. I do think I judge less than others, but definitely more than I should. Way to Happiness #2: Find your worth from within and screw everyone else's opinion of you [again, I paraphrase]. I like both points very much and will keep them.

When I think of everything that happened in 2005, I gotta believe that 2006 will be much calmer [but I think I said that about 2004/2005 too]. OK, the next four months until graduation will be intense, but I'm prepared [mentally, physically, organizationally - people, I even cleaned out my t-shirt drawer].

So my resolutions for 2006:
1. Stop judging.
2. Find worth from within.
3. Eat healthier [translation: avoid the toxic beast that is partially hydrogenated oil].
4. Have more fun.

I think that's about all I can do for this year. In the meantime, I'll have to earn a graduate degree, find a job and probably move to another town.

I'm putting a moratorium on dating until graduation. I know, I know. It's like a person who has never smoked saying they are giving it up cold turkey. It's called reframing, people. But here is Resolution #5 for when dating does resume [in homage to Bridget Jones]: I will not fall for any of the following: alcoholics, workaholics, commitment phobics, men with girlfriends or wives, misogynists, megalomaniacs, chauvinists, emotional fuckwits or freeloaders, perverts. [In other words, avoid all ex-boyfriends.]


Blogger Unknown said...

I think we may have the exact same issues! Men, grad school, even down to the cleaning out of t-shirt drawers! Uncanny. Really.

I hope Project Fun 2006 goes well!

10:40 PM


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