Yesterday you were normal and today you're like the Chinese guy from The Karate Kid.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Under the Weather and Under the Gun

From the Too Much Information Department: my digestive system has been rebelling since the middle of last week. It's currently gurgling like a madwoman. I better lose some poundage from this suffering or I'm suing the maker of this virus.

I'm so far behind in school work at the moment that it makes me want to crawl under the bed when I think about it. I have 35 pages to write before Tuesday at 4:30 [including the research]. I haven't found a new internship yet. Oh, and the project I was supposed to start three weeks ago got squashed last week by the participating party. Yeah, not a fun time for me right now. Fall break is this week, so I just have to make it through to Tuesday at 4:30 pm. Then I'll take a day to recover before starting next week's worrying.

Someone asked me what's up with the crazy CIA sounding blog name. In the fine tradition of Waiting for Squirrel, I took the name of this new blog from a conversaton too. Here's the deal: every three weeks or so I get a random one-line email from a certain crazy someone. To respond to the emails is futile. Certain Crazy Someone says his one-line peace and checks out for another three weeks. So I was joking with friends that I should just start shooting back crazy one-liners myself. Hence, the Red Fox Roams at Midnight. Plus, you know, I'm a redhead and quite the fox. :)


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